Dear NSISP Representatives:
Greetings from Nova Scotia! Hard to believe we are almost through our first three months of the 2017-2018 year. Today, I am writing to inform you of an update to our 2018-2020 fees. You will note we have added a small fee to returning students and we have been forced to increase our monthly health insurance fee.
For 20 years, the NSISP has prided itself on the service we provide to our international students. This includes our comprehensive health care coverage. Unfortunately, the past two years have seen a significant rise in the medical claims with our students and our insurance provider has advised us they will need to increase their rates to keep the same quality medical insurance package. We were faced with the difficult choice of either raising our fees or decreasing the service to our students. We opted to increase the fees as protecting our student’s health is a top priority for us.
For those students who have already paid or been invoiced for September 2018 we will honour the past fee. For all other applications the new fee of $85/month will be in effect.
Thank you for your understanding and support of the NSISP. Please ensure these fees are shared with those who sell the NSISP within your organization.
Kind regards,
Andrea Ashton
Nova Scotia International Student Program
Communications & Marketing Officer
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