노바스코샤 국제학생 프로그램 NSISP 20주년 기념 사진
2018년 9월학기 NSISP 신청은 지난 3월에 마감이 되었는데
이번에 추가로 아시아 학생들과 라틴아메리카 학생들만을 대상으로
입학신청을 받는다고 안내를 해 왔습니다.
2018년 9월학기에 입학을 계획했었는데
빠른 조기 마감으로 노바스코샤 국제학생 프로그램을
지원하지 못한 학생들은 이번 기회에 입학 신청을 진행하기 바랍니다.
Dear NSISP Representative:
Warm greetings from a sunny Nova Scotia! I am writing today with some good news for our partners around the world. We have had some changes in our enrollment for September 2018 and are pleased to announce we have had some openings for September, particularly for our Asian and Latin American markets. We anticipate the spaces will fill quickly so please apply as soon as possible.
Additionally, you may have noticed on our correspondence we have been referring to our school boards as “Regional Centres for Education.” This name change is a directive from our provincial Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. For you, our valued representative, there is no change in the delivery of the NSISP to you or your students.
Attached you will also find a photo our NSISP team (central office, directors, program and project managers, and homestay coordinators) celebrating our 20th Anniversary at our annual conference in early April.
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Kind regards,
Andrea Ashton
NSISP Marketing & Communications Officer
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