Ade­line – An Amer­i­can Scholar

We dive into the story of Ade­line, an Amer­i­can Scholar stu­dent in 2013. 

Lis­ten first hand of her expe­ri­ences in Amer­ica through the Amer­i­can Scholar Program.

Inter­viewer: Robert Stanger
Inter­vie­wee: Ade­line Yu

Pro­duced by Mar­ket­ing Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Department of American Scholar Group

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노바스코샤 & 핼리팩스 현지 캐나다 공인 이민컨설턴트 Sanghun Son, RCIC (License # R513685) - Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant ★E-mail:
