
HFX Wanderers Football Club, Halifax's professional soccer club, burst onto the scene this spring as they embarked on their first-ever season in the Canadian Premier League. Comprised of players both home-grown and from around the world, the Wanderers bring together a range of stories about the newcomer experience. From the many ways their lives have been enriched by sport, to their strong ties to immigration to Canada past and the present, the Wanderers are truly “Together from Aways.” Join head Coach Stephen Hart, a Trinidad and Tobago immigrant, alongside two of his players in this fun and enlightening chat about soccer, immigration and culture, followed by Q&A, autograph session and reception.

Date: Tuesday, October 15
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Andrea and Charles Bronfman Theatre
Language: Presented in English
등록싸이트: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/together-from-aways-meet-the-hfx-wanderers-tickets-70623580029

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노바스코샤 & 핼리팩스 현지 캐나다 공인 이민컨설턴트 Sanghun Son, RCIC (License # R513685) - Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant ★E-mail: sanghunsam@gmail.com
