2017년이면 캐나다가 150번째 생일을 맞이하네요.
2017학년도 9월 학기 노바스코샤 국제학생 신청 마감일을
노바스코샤 주 교육청에서 벌써 알려 왔습니다.
최근 들어 참가 학생이 많이 늘어나서
매 학기마다 조기에 입학신청이 마감되는 현상이 계속 반복 되는 것으로 봐서
앞으로 노바스코샤 국제학생 프로그램 참가를 위해서는
늦어도 한 학기 먼저 서둘러 신청을 진행해야 할 것 같습니다.
2017 - 2018학년도 2017년 9월 학기 신청 마감일 : 2017년 3월 15일
2017년 2월 학기 신청 : 2016년 9월 현재 모집 중
2017-2018 학년도 노바스코샤 국제학생 프로그램 참가비 안내
2018-2020 학년도 노바스코샤 국제학생 프로그램 참가비 안내
Dear NSISP Representative:
Warm greetings from Nova Scotia! School has started again for another year and the NSISP has more students enrolled than ever before. Based on the tremendous growth of the NSISP, we are writing to you to inform you of a change in the application deadline for September, 2017 enrollment. Our new application deadline for September, 2017 will be March 15, 2017.
After careful consideration, we decided to push the deadline ahead based on the demand for our program over the past few years and feedback from our partners around the world. We feel this date more accurately reflects when we expect we will be full in the coming year. We hope this change in policy will assist you in providing accurate and timely information to your students who are interested in joining the NSISP for the first semester.
We will soon be introducing our new online application to help manage the flow of incoming applications, cut down on processing time, as well as assisting in issuing documents in a more timely fashion. We will be providing more information on this in the weeks to come. Please be informed, once the online application system has been fully implemented we will no longer be accepting paper-based applications. We trust this will be beneficial for both our partners around the world and our office here in Nova Scotia.
We look forward to working with you to have a successful 2017-2018 enrollment period. We are currently accepting applications for both February, 2017 and September, 2017. Please note, we always have extra spaces for students who begin in February and junior high-aged students.
Attached please find our fees for the 2017-2018 school year as well as our 2018-2020 school fees.
Please contact us if you have any questions on the information outlined above.
Kind regards
Andrea Ashton
Nova Scotia International Student Program
Communications & Marketing Officer